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Reader Love

"These are both fantastic books for kids who are newly diagnosed with coeliac disease, because it really shows them how to embrace coeliac disease in a fun way and make them look at the positives and how to get through it. I highly recommend getting these books if you haven't already got them for your coeliac child." Jessica Milliner, Coeliac & Gut Health Dietitian.

"My 2 little coeliac superheroes absolutely loved and related to their new book that arrived today! A great read and beautiful message from the author Stefi Mac."

"She is FOND of the book, WE are fond of the book!!"

"A bedtime story. Daddy was doing the accents of the children who have their recipes. The twins couldn't stop laughing. Their big brother asked me to read it to him, I said I could read him another and he said, 'No mummy, I want to read this as it's about my sister'."

"This book is amazing, it features everything that you need to know and also how it captured the true feelings and emotions of when you are first diagnosed from a childs point of view. My daughter is 5 years old and was able to engage in the story and understand the concepts of the book. When we first started reading she said, 'Mum, this is how I felt about food.' This made me realise how special this book is."

"Bought for my coeliac son he couldn’t believe the characters were just like him so nice to have a book he can relate to! And the personal note was so nice. Thankyou x"

"My daughter has enjoyed us reading the book to her, loves the colourful illustrations and how Hayden is just like her. The book is a great read, suitable for the whole family and those who are newly diagnosed. It is so relatable to not just my daughter, but also myself as her Mommy when it comes to the challenges we over come and the amazing GF community. I highly recommend getting yourself a copy, this is definitely a book that we will enjoy reading time and time again."

"Our new books arrived last week! Girls are taking the opportunity to read up on all things gluten free label reading. Thanks Stefi Mac for taking the time to create such amazing resources that kids can understand."

"Arrived in the mail today and both diagnosed twins have read it a dozen times already. They've even proudly displayed it on their keyboard so they can see if from their beds when they sleep tonight. Great pictures and read."

"Uplifting the next generation of gluten-free kids by providing the resources and support for families to thrive." - Stefi Mac, Author